She Travels

- 5 min reading time

How to Turn your Travel Passion into a Personal Brand

August 23, 2021



August 23, 2021

Our friends from Creativ Jungle joined us on a live workshop to teach us about how to get started with social media and content creation to turn your passion for travel into a brand. We decided to compile and sum up the workshop in written form, so you can access it anytime!

Disclaimer: all the content in this article was provided by Creativ Jungle and credit goes to them.

What is Creativ Jungle?

Creative Jungle is a marketing agency specialized in Tourism. They help Tourism brands develop their presence on the web and social media.

But who’s “they”?Ruben and Amélie are friends, travelers, and the founders of Creative Jungle.Amélie acts as project manager, campaign strategist, and content creation coach. Her favorite social media is Instagram. On top of traveling, she loves photography and nature.Ruben is also project manager, in charge of building relationships with brands and influencers, and he’s a LinkedIn coach. He likes adventure, exploration and is a foodie.

This workshop was divided into 3 parts:

👉🏽 Choose & Begin on Social Media

👉🏽 Tips for Content Creation

👉🏽 How to Improve Engagement

Let’s dive right in, shall we?


💡 Objectives: If you want to have an effective strategy, you need to know what your goals are. To reach them, have the following in mind:

  • Develop brand image and awareness: The first step is being clear about who you are, what you do, and how you can solve your client’s problem/s.
  • Generate sales/bookings: The second step is to get attention and build trust. Create a genuine relationship based on shared values.
  • Build client loyalty: Focus on content and consistency, ask for feedback, and keep interacting with your audience.

💡 Identify your target: It’s essential that you know who you’re talking to, who your ideal client is.

These are some questions that you can ask to identify them:

  • Who do I want to reach? A person (B2C) or a company (B2B)?
  • How old are they?
  • What are their hobbies, preferences, interests?
  • What are their motivations/frustrations?

This will allow you to adapt your message to your audience, which, in turn, will help you determine which social media to use.

Answering these questions will allow you to adapt your message to your audience and to favour one social media over another.

💡Which social media should you choose?

At the beginning, it’s better to focus on 1 or 2 channels. And, as said before, which channels you choose will be greatly influenced by who your clients are. For example, TikTok users are very young, while LinkedIn’s average user age is 44yo. They both work, but for different audiences.

Instagram: Users between 25-35 years old, great to strengthen brand image, perfect for Tourism.Facebook: Good to increase brand awareness.TikTok: Very young users, between 16-24 years old, high organic reach.Twitter: Age group between 35-65. Information centered, good to stay informed, high percentage of journalists are on Twitter.YouTube: Best format for content creation and to show your expertise.LinkedIn: Ideal for networking and creating a community, essential to acquire professional contacts.

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💡 Create in batches: Deconstruct content creation into several steps and work on one step at a time. This will allow you to focus and be much more efficient.

💡 Follow these four steps to create content:

  1. Plan: Establish an editorial calendar to stay organized and ensure long-term consistency. Plan weeks or even months in advance.
  2. Keep these factors in mind when doing the calendar:
  3. ✔️Content  ✔️Objective  ✔️Social Media  ✔️Date of publication  ✔️Results.
  4. Brainstorm: Write down all your ideas, don’t limit yourself! This is not the time to edit, but to create. Go wild! Think about upcoming key dates and events, answer FQA’s, talk about you, etc. But whatever you do, STAY AUTHENTIC 🙌🏽

The Golden CircleFocus on why you do what you do. What drives you? What are your values? Passions? Build a story around that. It delivers a powerful message, and it is the reason why people will connect with you and choose you.

A PERSONAL BRAND is made up of different ingredients:

🙋🏻 YOU +





     3. Create

Now that you have established your objectives, your target audience, and that you have a plan and ideas for the content you want to put out there, it’s time to create! 🎨

Take your ideas, turn them into pieces of content, and share that content in different formats (visuals, videos, quizzes, articles, stories, etc). Remember to condense the creation process into blocks of time to stay focused and efficient.

💡 Here are some useful TOOLS to help you create content:

  • Canva: Very user-friendly free tool. Many templates that you can modify and use for all kinds of content.
  • Mojo: Great for stories and animated posts. Templates are presented by topic and can be adapted to your needs.
  • Inshot: For video and photo editing. Very intuitive and easy to use.
  • Instagram: It is a social media but also a content creation tool in itself. Many possibilities, especially in stories!

💡 Use the AIDA formula for your messages

AIDA is a very well-known formula for writing attractive copy and it can be used in all types of written content. It stands for Attention - Interest - Desire - Action.

Attention: Catch the person’s eye and spark their curiosity with an attractive opening.

Interest: Expand the message, provide details, explain benefits to generate a positive emotion.

Desire: Make the audience want to know more about you/your service/product.

Action: Ask the person to perform an action (CTA): like, comment, share, subscribe, etc.

    4. Schedule

Now your content is ready. Great! Most of the job is done! Don’t forget to add hashtags, emojis and everything you need to make it more appealing before posting. Ready? Good 💪

Now, you have two options:

  • You can save the content as “drafts” and hit “publish” manually for each post when the time is right.
  • You can use Facebook’s "Creator Studio” (accessible from your business page), a free tool that allows you to schedule your posts/stories for both Facebook AND Instagram. Just click on "schedule" instead of "publish now".


We have come to the last section of this workshop!

Here are some tips to increase your engagement on social media:

✔️ Be regular                                  ✔️ Use Calls To Action      

✔️ Vary content and formats       ✔️Reply to comments & messages

✔️Do Lives                                       ✔️Include the opinion of your audience into your business

✔️ Interactive stories                     ✔️Try making videos (reels/tiktok)

💡 Sponsored Posts

While organic content is great to increase brand visibility and awareness, it’s getting increasingly hard to reach a big audience organically, with the algorithms getting more and more selective about which posts get displayed in someone’s feed. Imagine: every day there are 1500 posts published but only 300 places in your news feed.

Sponsored content can therefore be a good tool to generate a maximum number of interactions quickly. Dedicating part of your budget to sponsor certain posts will allow you to increase visibility and acquisition, and to reach a specific target audience.

We hope that these guidelines will give you a clearer idea of how to turn your travel passion into a brand that connects with your audience and expresses your true self! All credit goes to Creativ Jungle, who put together an amazing workshop for NomadHer users.

Visit Creativ Jungle’s media channels for more amazing tips:




More about NomadHer :

NomadHer is an app for female globetrotters to encourage solo travelling safely. NomadHer has a vision of empowering women through travelling.

To join the community of female globetrotters, you can download NomadHer App on IOS & Android. Follow NomadHer on Instagram: @nomad_her.

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